Analysis of Private LTE and 5G Radio Access Network Data Sets for Performance Optimization


EPRI’s AI initiative is a collaborative effort funded by Technology Innovation for developing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions. As a global R&D leader, EPRI’s effort is intended to bridge the gap between the electric power industry and AI community by bringing various cutting-edge methodologies and models to the power and energy sector and to utilities. EPRI’s collaborative work with researchers from utilities and the AI community to identify the application of AI/ML in energy sector can produce game changing results and a pathway to the power grid of the future.EPRI.AI focuses on three major objectives: 1) creating an Electric Power–AI community, 2) creating solutions by building EPRI10 data sets, and 3) delivering results through grand challenges. EPRI10 is a collection of the 10 most valuable data sets in the electric power industry that will accelerate the industry’s use of AI to transform utility operation. Through this, EPRI is releasing the data sets to the AI community for developing and training models. One such example is a curated data set of long-term evolution (LTE) network operation that is described in this paper.

EPRI Journal
Sunny Arokia Swamy Bellary
Sunny Arokia Swamy Bellary
Research Engineer - Robotics

EPRI Engineer | AI Enthusiast | Computer Vision Researcher | Robotics Tech Savvy | Food Lover | Wanderlust | Team Leader @Belaku | Musician |
